Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Peruvian National Elections, 2011.

Everywhere you go it is becoming more and more obvious that the 2011 National Elections are drawing near; in fact the actual date is Saturday 9th April.
Two very obvious signs, apart from the huge promotional posters appearing, are the electoral roles that are being posted outside municipal buildings and the ‘how to vote’ sessions being conducted in the streets of Ayacucho.

The voting papers for the President and Vice President show both the actual photo of the candidate and the symbol of his or her party. However, the voting papers for the Congress and the local Andean Parliament simply carry the party symbols.
I have been reliably informed that two other very interesting things happen around the actual voting weekend. One, all liquor sales are banned the day before and the day after Saturday 9th and second, if you have not registered to vote in the area you are presently living then you must travel to your birth place to vote. Sounds very similar to something that happened just over two thousand years ago! And would you believe that all the various travel companies increase their fares dramatically that particular weekend!
Great news for the poor people.

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