Monday, March 21, 2011

Two days up in Valle Sagrado and Montenegro.

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week had always been set aside for return visits to both Valle Sagrado and Montenegro and obviously the main one was to visit old friends. An equally important reason was to introduce my brother to all the people we met and worked with in 2008, and to show him where we actually lived.
An unexpected third outcome resulted from these two days - many local bus rides which resulted in numerous near death experiences! Obviously the various bus drivers sensed the presence of ‘gringos’ on board their vehicle and thus set their mind on giving us some wonderful memories. I suppose Marion and I were used to their performances, however, it did seem to be rather an eye-opener for Joseph! The only disappointment was the fact that we always seemed to board near new buses and he missed out on travelling on rather tired ones. Oh well the newer ones did seem to go faster than the rest.

The first day trip took us to Valle Sagrado to visit Jacinta and Marie, two Sisters working in the area. We really wanted to visit their small pre-school and comedor. The latter being a kitchen supplying many midday meals five days a week. We were amazed at the increased enrolments at their pre-school. I suppose it just was another example of how much growth has taken place in two years.

The instant we alighted from the bus we were greeted by Yolanda, one of our adult students in 2008. We did not see her; however, she came rushing over as soon as she recognised us. We were almost in tears as the three of us embraced; it is unbelievable just how welcoming the local people can be.

Sheila and one of the mothers working with their little group of three year olds. Sheila studied English with us and the Sisters have always tried to offer her some hours working with the children. She does a great job with the small ones.

Marion and Jacinta on the way up the road to the convent. All the new houses in the background were not there at the end of 2008.

Even a new road had been ‘carved’ out of the side of the hill and new places being claimed. In the first instance these wooden prefabricated rooms are placed on site and then the owners slowly add more and more rooms. One interesting thing is the fact that this could be a second house for some, almost an investment property!

Whenever we visit this area we have to visit Gladys, she was another one of our 2008 English students and she is a wonderful young woman and a great support to Jacinta and Marie. She has recently moved into her new house with her daughter Stacey. She is proud of this new home and was delighted that he could even have the time to test out the new lounge suite.

Wednesday morning we were up and away by 9.30 to visit Montenegro. Marion had received a phone call the previous evening to say that the comedor that the Mildura Sacred Heart community had sponsored would not be operational for another week. We decided to visit it anyway and thankfully we did because we met two more good women who are involved in the area.

A quick farewell to and then into the awaiting taxi us to take us back down to the highway, and more friends.

We visited Teresa and her new baby son, Eduardo Miguel and the very proud grandmother, Maria.

Joseph was rather taken with the watering of the grass in the medium strip.

The market and the ‘mobile’ fruit shop.

last stop for the day was a quick call on Lucy, the Motupe/Montenegro Parish manager. She was another person who offered us such wonderful support during 2008.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic post this is. Great for you to have seen your friends from 2008 again and for Dad to meet them also. Everyone looks so happy to see you again!
