Friday, February 11, 2011

A very sad reminder.

This afternoon we were given a very sad reminder of the history of Ayacucho. The lady in white on the right hand side of the photos is the widow of Julian Guillen Arone. He disappeared, presumed murdered by the Senderos Luminoso, in 1991 at the age of twenty-three.
His widow, and her family and supporters, had set up this memorial in order to raise funds for the establishment of a forensic research department in Ayacucho. The basic aim of the department is to search for and establish the identity of bodies still being discovered in this area. Obviously establishing the identity of these victims of terrorism enables their loved ones to give them a formal burial and thus reach some form of closure.
It was both humbling and heart warming to see the financial support the local people were gladly giving this poor lady.
Before I took these photos Marion spoke to her and sought her permission, something she willingly gave.

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