Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost packed and one sleep to go…

After five months living in Hotel Tres Mascaras, Ayacucho, we are virtually packed and ready to head back to Lima for our last ten days in Peru.
We are booked on the Star Peru 6.50 a.m. flight to Lima in the morning and we have our fingers well and truly crossed. Our track record this time in Peru regarding flights to and from Lima has not been very good! Nevertheless, there is one huge factor in our favour, the wet season has finished and the mornings are bright and sunny so we should be OK. Why do I say things like that before the event?

Señora Socora, the owner of Hotel Tres Mascaras, has been a wonderful hostess and has always been ready to help in any way at all, it will be sad to say goodbye to her in the morning. You can be assured of one thing, she will be at the front door at 5.00 a.m. to hail a taxi for us.

The budgerigars, Nani, the three legged dog, Lucas, my namesake, and the two screeching parrfots have also become favourites over the past five months, however, Lucas is really number one!

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