Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Art exhibition at COSMA.

We have been taking art groups each week at the clinic and have covered a wide range from acrylic paint, oil pastel, chalk and charcoal work and it has been a wonderful success for the patients. One group even produced some excellent stained glass windows using black card and cellophane.

Just recently COSMA – La ComisiĆ³n de Salud Mental de Ayacucho – conducted three days of professional development for groups within the local area. The President, Brother Jimi, asked if we could display some of the patients work they have completed over the past eight weeks.

We set to and mounted as many pieces as we could on black paper. These were to be displayed on the walls of the clinic’s auditorium. Well over fifty pieces of colourful work ended up on the walls.

Everyone was so happy with the end result, especially the patients themselves.

The latest ‘Disney’ efforts by the two Tuesday morning groups.

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