Monday, April 18, 2011

Semana Santa…the Palm Sunday parade.

Just to add to the general excitement of Palm Sunday it seemed that all students from institutes, secondary colleges, primary schools and pre-schools were involved in a parade around the Plaza de Armas this morning.
We think the reason was the annual celebration of the Foundation of Huamanga.

They began gathering in the Plaza around 7.30 a.m. and started marching about 10.00 a.m. The parade was still in progress when we headed off at 11.45 a.m. It proved to be a very long morning in the sun for some of the younger students, especially for the ‘not so sun smart’ schools.

We are constantly amazed concerning the standard of school and college uniforms, they are normally immaculate and worn so proudly. However, there does seem to be a fair bit of rivalry between the various educational establishments when it comes to uniforms, bands and their actual marching! I would suggest every school is extremely keen to outshine the others.
We also often wonder about the actual costs of the clothing and how some of the parents can afford this outlay on top of the actual school fees.

The ‘goose step’ is the favoured style of marching, most difficult to do and it always conjures up ordinary memories in my mind.

How can you possibly march on these cobbled roads wearing high heels and miniskirts? Well these young women from one of the local Institutes of Technology managed to do so.

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